Tuesday, December 3, 2013

While watching TTBY Episode 13

Are you finally going to tell her Tae Joon?! Please do so!
Hahaha, you sent that to the wrong person..hehe.
Intense gaze...don't do that please Jae Hee, you seem like you are going to leave :(
Aww, the sticky notes..his voice for the note was adorable..like adorable!!
Stupid commercial on dramafever -_-
Well, I guess I'll just listen to Ring Ding Dong while waiting....
NOW, Back to the show.
Tae Joon's face is so cheeky, it's perfect. Where is he going...? Ohhhh, let's do this Tae Joon! Hwaiting!
He jumped!! Yippee! They're so cute..did you just point to her and got caught, hehe.
Hyun Jae..I have mixed feelings..and oomph..he touched the stick. Tense awkward moment..ottoke?
Perfect Jump goes to...Tae Joon.
The coach yells at Hyun Jae and I sorta feel bad that Hyun Jae only wants to beat Tae Joon and doesn't understand that he needs to do it for himself. And I bet he's not going to beat Tae Joon. Sorry dude.
What's up with the cards..? Tarot reading, how interesting. You can do anything?? Haha, what the heck is wrong with him. Lol.
Eun Gyul...more like Eun Gyullible. HAHAHA, I'M LAUGHING.
They look like they're having quite the fun..Adorable Eun Gyul practicing his own cheer? Gu..
I kinda wish we could see more interactions between Hyun Jae and Jae Hee. What the heck...? Aww, she pretty much saved him..that stupid Hyun Jae.
Commercials again...Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ring diggi ding diggi, ding, ding, ding!!
Well..I seriously hardly listen to KPOP, most of the time, it's just mostly Korean Drama ost..I'm not complaining..only five minutes more before I have class..that sucks xD

Now she tells him..ooohhh, don't be stupid Tae Joon! Of course Hyun Jae is. Maroon 5 in the background. Aww, Sherlock and Watson. CUTE! The one part of a drama where the character believes anyone that says the person has bad luck..seriously?
Anyways, I had to leave for class and I watched the rest on my iPod touch so I wasn't able to write down my thoughts.. sorry!

Hope you liked this random post!

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