Friday, August 2, 2013

High Kick 3 Ending

High Kick 3 Ending Reaction...


     Nothing really prepared me for the ending of High Kick 3. First off, I spent the last 122 episodes leading up to this wondering which woman Lee Juck would end up with. For some reason, the whole Jong Suk/Ji Won/Kye Sang really interested me in which one would end up being together (if that ever happened.) I literally shed tears three different times throughout the whole episode. When Ha Sun received the call from her father and immediately told Ji Suk to go watch the baseball game with her. I realized then that Ha Sun was never going to return to Korea. Poor Ji Suk who had no idea. I really wanted to know what happened to Kye Sang after he left to Rwanda. I really wanted to see Soo Jung end up with someone (preferably Seung Yoon). The ending really surprised me with Ji Won leaving in the middle of class. Nothing made me more emotional than the fact that Soo Jung ran after Ji Won to ask her about what Ji Won wanted to do. I sincerely felt it was a big part of the friendship. Seeing the flashbacks of the episodes and moments really made my eyes teared up. In the end, the finale didn't fail me at all, and I was definitely happy to see the ending. One question, why is all the endings so terribly sad and happy at the same time. I mean in High Kick 2 when Ji Hoon and Se Kyung were driving to the airport, why are there no happy endings?!? Well in all honesty, I felt bad for Ji Suk the most. If you haven't watched it, then you probably shouldn't have read this...oops. 

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